Are you looking for some basic Bible Truths to share with your young children?  Below are several crucial events from Scripture, the related foundational truths that each Biblical account holds, and a few short, focused activities to reinforce each one...

All of God's Word points to our need for redemption
and the coming of God's chosen King and Savior - Jesus!

Adam and Eve and the First Sin
Noah (and a Picture of Our Coming Salvation)
Jesus' Birth
Jesus' Death and Resurrection

(Genesis 1)

Bible Truths
God created everything and it was good!

Focus Verse(s)
Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Scripture Booklets
Creation - black and white
Creation - color

Ideas for 2's and 3's 

  1. Use playdough cutters to cut out different things from playdough or roll and shape your own ideas!

  2. Read The Big Picture Storybook Bible - The Very Good Beginning

  3. Craft: Sponge Paint Earth
    (Attach cotton balls to clothespins. Dip one in blue tempera paint and one in green tempera paint. Let kids use to form a sponge painted earth! Last, attach a heart to God’s good and perfect world.)

  4. Sing/practice Genesis 1:1.

  5. Pray, thanking God for His goodness, power, and love!

Ideas for PreK/K

  1. Use playdough cutters to cut out different things from playdough or roll and shape your own ideas!

  2. Read the Bible story.

  3. Review: Days of Creation Flip Booklet

  4. Craft: Sponge Paint Earth
    (Attach cotton balls to clothespins. Dip one in blue tempera paint and one in green tempera paint. Let kids use to form a sponge painted earth! Last, attach a heart to God’s good and perfect world.)

  5. Sing/practice Genesis 1:1.

  6. Pray, thanking God for His goodness, power, and love!

Sponge Painted Earth

Sponge Painted Earth

Flip Booklet Sequence

Flip Booklet Sequence

Adam and Eve  & The First Sin
(Genesis 2:7-25 and Genesis 3)

Bible Truths
God is Holy.
All have sinned.
Sin must be punished.
Sin separates us from God.

Focus Verse(s)
Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Scripture Booklets
Adam and Eve in the Garden - black and white
Adam and Eve in the Garden - color
The First Sin - black and white
The First Sin - color

Ideas for 2's and 3's 

  1. Review the days of creation using a Days of Creation Clip and Sort Box.
    (You’ll need a shoe box, 15 clothespins, the Creation Box printables, and tape to prepare the box. I also added some fiberfill stuffing in the middle to look like clouds. The kids loved that!)

  2. Read The Big Picture Storybook Bible – A Very Sad Day

  3. Craft: Fingerprint Tree
    (You can let your little ones create the tree on a Scripture verse sheet.)
    Instructions can be found at DLTK Crafts for Kids.

  4. Sing/practice Romans 3:23.

  5. Pray, thanking God for being Holy and good and for being greater than anything. Ask God to help us to obey and to not sin against Him.

Ideas for PreK/K

  1. Review the days of creation using a Days of Creation Clip and Sort Box.
    (You’ll need a shoe box, 15 clothespins, the Creation Box printables, and tape to prepare the box. I also added some fiberfill stuffing in the middle to look like clouds. The kids loved that!)

  2. Read the Bible story

  3. Review: Adam and Eve Flap Sheet Sequence

  4. Craft: Fingerprint Tree
    (You can let your little ones create the tree on a Scripture verse sheet.)

  5. Sing/practice Romans 3:23.

  6. Pray, thanking God for being Holy and good and for being greater than anything. Ask God to help us to obey and to not sin against Him.

  7. Garden of Eden Coloring Sheet

Creation Clip & Sort Box

Creation Clip & Sort Box

Fingerprint tree

Fingerprint tree

Adam & Eve Flap Sheet Sequence

Adam & Eve Flap Sheet Sequence

Noah (and a Picture of Our Coming Salvation)
(Genesis 6-9)

Bible Truths
God loves us.
God shows grace.
God had a plan to save us.

Focus Verse(s)
1 John 4:19 - We love because he first loved us.
Ephesians 2:8-9 - For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. 

Scripture Booklets
Noah - black and white
Noah - color

Ideas for 2's and 3's 

  1. Read and discuss The Big Picture Storybook Bible – Life Outside the Garden

  2. Sing/practice 1 John 4:19.

  3. Craft: Fingerpaint Heart
    (Ahead of time, fold, cut, and trace a heart. Then, let your child use their fingers to mix red and white paint in a cookie tray to form pink. Encourage them to make swirls and designs in the paint. Then, help them to gently press the cut paper heart onto the paint tray. Lift to reveal a heart masterpiece!)

  4. Review 1 John 4:19.

  5. Pray, thanking God for saving Noah and his family, thanking God for showing grace in leaving the door of the ark open for so long providing an opportunity for others to be saved, thanking God for his promise to send a Savior to rescue us from our sins, too!

Ideas for PreK/K

  1. Review Genesis 1:1 and Romans 3:23 and the accounts of the Creation and the Fall (using this sequence printable).

  2. Read the Bible story.

  3. Craft: Noah’s Ark
    (Kids will cut out the ark and then use watercolors to reveal a cross on the door. As the ark dries, they can tear brown construction paper (land) and glue it to a piece of light blue paper (sky). They can then attach the ark. They could even add cotton clouds and 2 pairs of animal crackers!)

  4. Sing/practice 1 John 4:19.

  5. Pray, thanking God for saving Noah and his family, thanking God for showing grace in leaving the door of the ark open for so long providing an opportunity for others to be saved, thanking God for his promise to send a Savior to rescue us from our sins, too!

  6. Noah Coloring Sheet

Fingerpaint Heart

Fingerpaint Heart

Noahs' Ark

Noahs' Ark

Jesus' Birth
(Luke 2)

Bible Truths
God kept His promise to send a Savior.
Jesus is God’s Son.
Jesus is my Savior.

Focus Verse(s)
Acts 9:20b - Jesus is the Son of God.
Luke 2:11 - Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.  He is Christ the Lord.

Scripture Booklets
The Birth of Jesus - black and white
The Birth of Jesus - color

Ideas for 2's and 3's 

  1. In the Old Testament of the Bible, many people were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the King and Savior that God had promised.

  2. Have your child unwrap a small gift box that has a baby Jesus figure inside. God kept His promise by sending His own Son – Jesus!

  3. Read The Big Picture Storybook Bible – God’s Promised One is Born/God’s Promised One is Announced

  4. Sing/practice Acts 9:20b.

  5. Craft: Handprint Baby Jesus (See photo, below.)

  6. Pray, thanking God for keeping His promise, for sending a Savior – His own Son!

Ideas for PreK/K

  1. Review Creation, the Fall, God’s provision and grace towards Noah, and our need for a Savior and the corresponding verses by using the Bible Truths Pictures.

  2. Read the Bible story.

  3. Review: Birth of Jesus Sequencing Sheet

  4. Sing/practice Acts 9:20b and Luke 2:11.

  5. Craft: Fingerprint Nativity

  6. Pray, thanking God for keeping His promise, for sending a Savior – His own Son!

Unwrapping the Savior!

Unwrapping the Savior!

Handprint Baby Jesus

Handprint Baby Jesus

Bible Truths Pictures

Bible Truths Pictures

Fingerprint Nativity

Fingerprint Nativity

Jesus' Death and Resurrection
(as found in the gospels: Matthew 26-28; Mark 14-16; Luke 22- 24; John 18-20)

Bible Truths
Jesus loves me.
Jesus died on the cross for my sins.

Focus Verse(s)
Romans 5:8b - While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Scripture Booklets
He is Risen - black and white
He is Risen - color

Ideas for 2's and 3's 

  1. Jesus grew and lived a perfect, sinless life. He showed and taught others about God the Father. He knew what God planned for Him to do and, although it was hard, he obeyed. He loved us and He loved His Father.

  2. Read The Big Picture Storybook Bible – Jesus Wears God’s Kingly Crown

  3. Craft: Sticker Heart Cross (See sample, below.)

  4. Read The Big Picture Storybook Bible – Jesus’ Followers are in the Dark/A Brand New Day

  5. Edible Craft/Reenactment: Resurrection Rolls

  6. Read The Big Picture Storybook Bible – God’s Promise Is Explained

  7. Craft: Painted Egg With Hidden Cross
    (To prepare ahead of time: Use a white crayon to draw a large cross on a tag board egg shape. The cross will be revealed as children color the egg shape using watercolors, tempra paint, or markers.)

  8. Sing/practice Romans 5:8b.

  9. Pray, thanking Jesus for loving us, for taking our punishment by dying on the cross for our sins, and for rising again as our forever King. Thank God that we are no longer separated from Him!

Ideas for PreK/K

  1. Review using the Bible Truths Wheel. Why do we need a Savior? Why did God send His only Son to earth?

  2. Read the Bible story.

  3. Review: Death/Resurrection of Jesus Sequencing

  4. Craft: Tissue Paper Cross
    (Cut a cross shape from a piece of construction paper, making sure the outside edges of the paper are intact. Place a piece of contact paper over the space where you cut the cross. Give your child cut pieces of tissue paper to attach to the sticky side of the contact paper, filling in the cross shape. Once finished, if desired, place a second piece of contact paper over the tissue paper to seal.)

  5. Sing/practice Romans 5:8b and John 3:16.

  6. Craft: Salvation Bracelet
    (Let each child choose a pipe cleaner (chenille stem). Model the order of the beads and explain the meaning of each color as children count out and make their own. Use 3 clear, 1 yellow (heaven), 2 clear, 1 black (sinner), 2 clear, 1 red (Jesus died), 2 clear, 1 white (forgiven), 2 clear, 1 green (grow), 3 clear.)

  7. Pray, thanking Jesus for loving us, for taking our punishment by dying on the cross for our sins, and for rising again as our forever King. Thank God that we are no longer separated from Him!

Sticker Heart Cross

Sticker Heart Cross

Watercolor Egg

Watercolor Egg

Resurrection Rolls

Resurrection Rolls

Bible Truths Wheel

Bible Truths Wheel

Tissue Paper Cross

Tissue Paper Cross

Salvation Bracelet

Salvation Bracelet