Story Lessons for Shared Reading
(Read/Write/Sing Lesson Ideas)
Story Lesson Index
Skills Learned
Great Shared Reading Stories
Read/Write/Sing is the Shared Reading/Writing portion of our day. Generally, I would choose one book for the class to focus on for the duration of a week, along with a related poem and companion story. Most of the stories chosen for Read/Write/Sing are highly predictable (repetitive wording, close matching of text and illustration). Some of the stories are modern, but for the most part they are engaging, traditional, well-loved stories that children love to visit again and again!
Check out some of the activities we did based on the following stories!
Story Lesson Index

Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?
Mary Had a Little Lamb
(and other sheep related poems/stories)
The Enormous 'Kinder'Garden
('Enormous' growing books such as The Enormous Watermelon)
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See
(and additional color ideas)
Letter and Rhyme a Day
(Shared Reading with Nursery Rhymes)
Goodnight Moon
(and other nighttime rhymes/stories)
The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving
(and other Thanksgiving stories)
During Read/Write/Sing students are learning to....
- track print from left to right and word by word
- predict and infer
- enjoy and participate in reading with a high level of support
- build a sense of story
- expand their vocabulary
- find letters and sounds in context
- attend to concepts of print (spacing, capitalization, punctuation)
- sequence the events of a story
- focus on story elements (characters, setting, beginning, middle, end)
You may also wish to view a printable Sample Literacy Sequence . It will show you how our shared reading lessons fit in with other literacy components in our classroom.
Also, you may want to see a Quick Reference Shared Reading Book List. This PDF contains author, publisher, and ISBN information for all of the focus story books and the coordinating companion stories shown below.
Great Shared Reading Stories for K
This is not an exhaustive list!
Singable Books
Down By the Bay
Five Little Ducks
Five Little Monkeys
I Know an Old Lady
Over in the Meadow
Ten in the Bed
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
What's the Weather Like Today?
The Wheels on the Bus
Traditional Stories
Caps for Sale
The Gingerbread Man
The Great Big, Enormous Turnip
Hattie and the Fox
It Looked Like Spilt Milk
The Little Red Hen
The Three Bears
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Three Little Kittens
The Three Little Pigs
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Predictable Texts
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?
The Carrot Seed
The Chick and the Duckling
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Do You Want to Be My Friend?
The Enormous Watermelon
Goodnight Moon
Have You Seen My Cat?
Have You Seen My Duckling?
I Can Read
I Love Spiders
Is Your Mama a Llama?
It Started as an Edd
On Market Street
On Market Street
Polar Bear, Polar Bear
What Do You Hear?
Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Things I Like
The Three Bears Songbook
Under the Sky
Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?
Who Will Help?
Zoo Looking
Graphics on this page and for the related Read/Write/Sing lesson pages are from the following Graphic Websites.